Prayer Doesn’t Always Look Like Prayer

June 17, 2020

 by Lindsey Wopschall

I remember the first time I tried it. 

My roommate and I weren’t getting along. She was dealing with some medical issues. I was amidst a career transition. Both of us stressed. We’d never had any disagreements before.

That day, I was really tired. I kept pushing off my workout even though I knew the endorphins would help me to get out of my mental funk. My small group had recently been discussing the concept of living life as a prayer. So, I thought I would give it a try. 

Before grabbing the weights in the gym, I whispered, “This one is for you,” as I began a prayer for my roommate, who, despite our current tense relationship, I loved.

The next 45 minutes I found more energy than I thought I had to complete the workout. I felt compassion for my roommate and gratitude for my own health. My body wasn’t just cleansed, my mind was too. 

Saint Paul said, “Pray constantly.”  

Prayer doesn’t require us to be in a church or have our eyes closed with our hands clasped together for it to count. God hears our prayers no matter where we are or what activity we are engaging in. In fact, we shouldn’t let our day-to-day responsibilities inhibit our prayer life. Rather, we should use our daily routines as an opportunity to dive deeper into prayer so we can truly be in constant prayer. 

Living a life of prayer is one that is more engaged. Have you ever gotten into your car to drive to a specific destination, only to arrive there thinking, I don’t remember driving here? This is because we are able to perform many tasks automatically. However, by putting intention into our activities, whether it’s doing laundry, or a task at your job, we become more aware, bringing us to full consciousness.

One of my favorite practices now is dedicating different prayers for each mile when I am running a half or full marathon. In preparation, I take a Sharpie® and, starting at the top of my wrist, I list people and intentions I want to pray for throughout the race. It helps me to find more strength when I am experiencing weakness or moments of doubt during my run. 

What activities in your life can you transform into prayer? What about an activity you don’t particularly find joy in? How can you make it an offering to God?

Every activity can be transformed into prayer. And, that prayer will transform you and the way you live. It will bring meaning into your daily activities and elevate your ordinary day to something more extraordinary than you ever imagined.

Author: Lindsey Wopschall: Lindsey’s personal mission is to uplift, enlighten and encourage. She uplifts people by telling compelling stories. She enlightens by sharing thought provoking ideas and concepts. She encourages people to become their best self. She’s often called an inspirational cheerleader.

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